• 9 Best Golf Cart Maintenance and Repair Tips

    9 Best Golf Cart Maintenance and Repair Tips

    Did you know that I’ve learned over the years that over 50% of golf cart breakdowns could be prevented with regular maintenance? You’re probably wondering how I manage to keep my golf cart in prime condition and avoid the hassle of unexpected breakdowns. Don’t worry, I’m here to help. I’ve put together 9 simple golf…

  • Golf Cart Maintenance: The Ultimate Guide

    Golf Cart Maintenance: The Ultimate Guide

    Introduction To Golf Cart Maintenance In the dynamic sphere of golf cart technology, vigilant upkeep is vital for achieving the best performance and durability. Regardless of whether you have an electric or gas-powered golf cart, consistent care is a necessity. This thorough resource will cover all facets of golf cart maintenance, equipping you with the…

  • Trick Your Golf Cart Charger and Charge Dead Batteries like a Pro

    Trick Your Golf Cart Charger and Charge Dead Batteries like a Pro

    Welcome to our golf cart charger tutorial, addressing the challenge of recharging unresponsive batteries. Experiencing a non-functional golf cart due to a drained electric battery can be quite problematic. However, possessing the correct skills and techniques can resurrect these batteries and restore functionality to your golf cart. Understanding the dynamics of a golf cart battery and charger is crucial.…

  • Can You Adjust the Drive Belt On An EZGo Golf Cart?

    Can You Adjust the Drive Belt On An EZGo Golf Cart?

    As a seasoned golf cart enthusiast, I’ve always wanted to answer the question: Is it possible to adjust the drive belt on an EZGo golf cart? This question isn’t just a curiosity; it’s pivotal, influencing speed, performance, and the overall health of the vehicle. So, let’s accelerate into the specifics of the EZGo drive belt,…

  • Can Golf Cart Batteries Freeze? Best Practices To Protect Your Cart

    Can Golf Cart Batteries Freeze? Best Practices To Protect Your Cart

    Winter is coming, and your electric golf cart will need special attention to keep it ready for the next Spring round of golf, but taking the proper steps to protect the batteries with Winter storage is vital. Whether you have an electric golf cart or just a starting battery for a gas golf cart, deep-cycle…

  • How to Replace Golf Cart Brakes for Optimal Performance

    How to Replace Golf Cart Brakes for Optimal Performance

    Owning a golf cart means dealing with inevitable wear and tear, especially when it comes to brake performance. While often overlooked, the state of your brakes can significantly impact your vehicle’s overall efficiency. This post offers step-by-step instructions on how to replace golf cart brakes and maintain them for optimal performance. Don’t let faulty brakes for golf carts slow you down; read on…

  • Golf Cart Tire Guide: How Long Do Golf Cart Tires Last?

    Golf Cart Tire Guide: How Long Do Golf Cart Tires Last?

    Wondering how long do golf cart tires last? Tires are an important part of any vehicle, and golf carts are no exception. The tires on your golf cart play a big role in how well your golf cart performs. Even the best golf cart tires typically last between two and four years, depending on how…

  • Should Golf Cart Tires Be Rotated? An Essential Guide

    Should Golf Cart Tires Be Rotated? An Essential Guide

    Are you wondering should golf cart tires be rotated? By regularly rotating your tires, you can ensure even wear and prevent tread erosion. Not only does this increase their longevity, but it also enhances safety on the course. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and look for directional arrows indicating proper configuration. Incorporate tire rotation into your regular maintenance routine for optimal performance and a smoother golf cart experience. The Importance…

Golf Cart Tips